3 thoughts on “Hannah’s Senior Pictures …. Detroit Area Senior Photographer

  1. Kyle

    smh…these are sic!!!! i love the capri sun shot. great stuff you camera wizard! i missed shooting with you on saturday. i really did.

  2. Gena

    Mrs. Pierpont, you have a GIFT!!!!!! This is an art form and I’ve never experienced it so highly elevated as when I look at your photography. I am amazed at how you brought everything–scenery, angle, lighting, and more–together to paint such a vivid picture of Hannah. WOW! Kyle is right–these are sic!!!!!!!!!! Amazing. It’s fun just to see what you do. Wish we were there to provide you with some little people to photograph! We’ve got a third one on the way here pretty soon… Anyway, I so enjoy your work. God has definitely blessed you. 🙂

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