Jason & Abbey’s Wedding (part 1) …….. Detroit Area Wedding Photography

Jason & Abbey had a beautiful wedding at Evangel last Saturday, it was great meeting them both and working with them. Here are the getting ready pictures from the day. I will post part 2 later in the week.

(by Charles Pierpont)

Flowers by Jonda Schwab
Hair by Nikki Widener

3 thoughts on “Jason & Abbey’s Wedding (part 1) …….. Detroit Area Wedding Photography

  1. Jennifer Muller

    Oh what lovely pictures the ones you take! We love them! It’s been a while since you posted from your children, Heidi and Austin, you should post, we would love to see how they are doing…God bless you

  2. Colleen Torlone

    Lois, these are beautiful…I have loved looking at all your photos…what a lovely job you do! Thank you for posting so many of the images…they are breathtaking!
    ~Colleen (daughter of Gary & Elaine from Evangel)

  3. Bev

    These are great too, Lois, and you should check out Colleen’s pictures too! She is you in Ohio 🙂

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