Nate & Ollyce

This weekend I photographed a wedding in Niles, Michigan. Ken sang at the groom’s parent’s wedding twenty-some years ago. His mom is a photographer also, but wanted to enjoy the wedding. It was a wonderful day and a beautiful wedding.

You can see Kyle’s pictures of the wedding here.

A big thank you to my loyal, humble, volunteer assistants:

11 thoughts on “Nate & Ollyce

  1. Beth

    Awwww…Just beautiful ! Well done. I especially like # 2, 13 and 23 But all of them are so fun. Nice variety of composition. I like how you always capture the feeling. Good job !!

  2. Ken

    Hey–beautiful pics. The Ford 9-N is sweet. The wind-mill is a great touch. The American Gothic should have been more austere… but how can you not look happy on such an occasion. Beautiful, heirloom photos. Great job again. I’m proud of you.

  3. Kyle

    wow mom. these are awesome. it was a privilige to be with such a great photographer and see her “magic” for the day! great pictures.

  4. Crystal

    Lois, Kyle and Linda, Thank you so much for going beyond what anybody could ever think could be done on such an important day for us. You’re a great team!! Keep allowing God to use you as a blessing to others. Your work will be treasured through many generations.

  5. evelyn

    Crystal said it all. Abundantly above all you ask or think. Only God could have given you the gift of thinking all these pictures up. I love the idea of all red but different styles. One of the prettiest weddings I’ve seen. Was the men scared. I would have been.

  6. Katie

    I absolutely love you pictures of their wedding! I graduated with Loydenae, Ollyce’s older sister and I’m looking into different people for my wedding and I love your work. My wedding won’t be for another two years but I’m trying to get some of my planning done early because it’ll come up so fast! I would love to get in touch with you to talk about my wedding… if that’s possible! 🙂

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