Sourthern Kentucky

While we were in Kentucky the girls sang at the Veenstra’s Mom & Dad’s church in Williamsburg, Kentucky. It was a beautiful church. After church they treated us to dinner at a restaurant high on a hill overlooking a winding river. After our meal they took us to beautiful Cumberland Falls.

That evening we were to sing at a church back in the hills. We never would have found it if Dawn’s Dad hadn’t drawn us a detailed map. The singing group that was there along with the girls couldn’t believe we had found the church, they could hardly find it and they lived close by. We are thankful to Mike and Dawn Veenstra and their family for their kindness. We had a great time and when we have a great time, we always take pictures.

photo taken by Mike Veenstra

3 thoughts on “Sourthern Kentucky

  1. evelyn

    I agree with Sara it’s nice to see you in the pictures too. You take great pictures.
    The girls are so much fun. I can tell that because your pictures have so much life in them.

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